CRC and E und P Würtz have a combined experience of over 50 years supplying mould release agents. Release Agents are our business and we have a wide range of mould release agents for almost every moulding process, these include both external release agents and internal release agents.
We believe in working closely with our customers to establish the best solution to their specific needs and from there to work synergistically to develop and improve products and processes. We have grown significantly over recent years by providing strong, cost effective solutions to production issues. We aim to improve overall efficiency by reduced cycle times and improved product quality. Many of our products are added into the polymer matrix and are used in capital intensive processes to reduce cycle times, improve product performance, optimise productivity, enhance quality of finished product & productivity gains. Marbocote semi permanent release agents are available as water and solvent based cling dry film release agents.

E und P Würtz


Berry Plastics

Lehmann & Voss & Co
Why Us?
Quality Certification
We are independently assessed to BS EN ISO 2008 (CRC Marbocote) ISO 9001:2015 (CRC), & ISO 9001 + ISO 14001 (E und P Würtz. Whenever possible CRC will supply products that are not harmful to the environment, and are safe to use. We will be only too pleased to assist with any environmental concerns you may have.
Contact Us
The best way to get in contact with us is by sending a message - we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
CRC Ltd - 4 Highcliffe Court Greenfold Lane Wetherby LS22 6RG
Tel. +44 1423 569715
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